近期這本『心腦奇航:從神經科學出發,通往身心整合之旅』,令我有更多感受。這本書是一本以科學的角度來分析靈性,並深入探討心何在,是一本兼具科學及靈性觀點的書。這篇文章探討丹尼爾‧席格的書籍《心腦奇航》,從科學的視角分析靈性,深入探討心的本質與轉變,並結合個人經歷和思考,強調善良、慈悲及整合的重要性。書中提出九種整合系統,包括意識整合、記憶整合等,實踐這些理念可促進心智成長和自我認識,是一本兼具靈性和科學的好書。Oct 29, 2024Oct 29, 2024
Some of the best practices to containerize Node.js with DockerSince I’ve worked as a backend engineer with Node.js for four years. Our application is always built with Docker images. That’s why it an…Mar 15, 2022Mar 15, 2022
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